Community Engaged Research 4 Community Health (CERCH) Group

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The Community Engaged Research 4 Health (CERCH) group is a team of scholars in the School of Nursing that includes anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, epidemiologists, and nurses. These scholars engage grassroots, community-based agencies and partners in collaborative research that offers mutual benefit and connection to both the community and the university through the co-creation of knowledge produced through research.

The primary goal of CERCH is to promote excellence in community engaged and participatory research to ultimately improve community and population health. CERCH supports best practice for community engaged research to improve equity, diversity, inclusion and justice within our research, the School, and the broader community.

Comprised of faculty and students who are conducting or planning to conduct engaged research in the community, CERCH provides members opportunities to build and maintain community collaborations and networks, workshop challenges toward practical solutions using principles and best-practices of community-engaged research, provide support for funding applications and ongoing projects, and improve School processes to better support community-engaged research. CERCH members meet monthly and have an active Google group communication structure for meeting member needs between meetings.


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Eunice ArebaFaculty
Adrianna BellFaculty
Rozina BhimaniFaculty
Camille BrownFaculty
Carrie NeerlandFaculty
Amanda DavisPhD Student
Douglas KennedyFaculty
Jayne FulkersonFaculty
Nasra GiamaFaculty
Niloufar HadidiFaculty
Linda HansonFaculty
Mary HearstFaculty
Sarah HoffmanFaculty
Melissa HorningFaculty
Laura KirkFaculty
Kris GormanFaculty
Jiwoo LeeFaculty
Lucy Mkandawire-ValhmuFaculty
Leso MunalaFaculty
Christie MartinFaculty
Lauren MartinFaculty
Barbara McMorrisFaculty
Robin AustinFaculty
Siobhan McMahonFaculty
Don Thorpe IIIResearch Clinician/Post-Doc
Erika Timko-OlsonFaculty
Diane Treat-JacobsonFaculty
Rebecca WatryPost-doc
Mary WhippleFaculty

This list only represents community engaged researchers who have joined this group