An Introduction to Native American Political Status
Current date: 2025-02-16T11:48:37-0600 , end date: 2024-11-01T13:00:00-0500 2024-11-01T13:00:00-0500
Native American nations, citizens, and population hold a unique status in American society. A uniqueness that is shrouded in mystery and held in doubt since the public does not understand the complexity and specifics of Native American political status. Political status is a legal term of art used to define the status of Native American nations, people, and culture formed through the US Constitution, various treaties, federal laws, court cases, and congressional policy. This political status is a distinction held only by one population, Native Americans, for the purpose of federal engagement with Tribal Nations in a government-to-government manner. Further, this distinction, which is not based on race, is what separates Native American Nations/populations from the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives.