Eunice Areba, PhD, RN, PHN

Clinical Associate Professor
Eunice Areba


Office Phone
Office Address

6-180 Weaver Densford Hall
308 Harvard Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
United States


Clinical Associate Professor


PhD, University of Minnesota

BSN, Magna cum laude, Winona State University


Research Training in Child and Adolescent Primary Care (IRT-CAPC), Department of Pediatrics, Medical School, University of Minnesota

Licensures and Certifications

RN Licensure, Minnesota

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Dr. Eunice Areba is a Clinical Associate Professor in the School of Nursing. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Winona State University and her PhD from the University of Minnesota. Dr. Areba teaches introductory public health nursing courses to both undergraduate and graduate students. She conducts adolescent and young adult health research. Her research area of focus is healthy youth development. She is interested in how community and individual level factors influence the health of refugee and immigrant youth and their families.

Honors and Recognition

  • Faculty Loan Repayment Program (FLRP) Award, Health Resources & Services Administration: Bureau of Health Workforce, 2021 - 2023
  • Center for Global Health and Social Responsibility (CGHSR) Faculty Travel Award, 2019 - 2020
  • Teaching for Social Engagement Award, Daisy Faculty Award, The Daisy Foundation, 2018
  • People’s Choice Award, Poster Presentation – Nursing Research Day, School of Nursing, 2017

Media Appearances

  • Minnesota Public Radio Interview with Elizabeth Shcokman on published research: Acculturation and Ethnic Group Differences in Well-being: Somali, Latino and Hmong Adolescents in Minnesota., Minnesota Public Radio, 2021
  • States with the Highest Rates of Depression, Newsweek, 2020

Professional Memberships

  • Society for Research on Adolescence
  • Society for Prevention Research
  • Sigma Theta Tau - Zeta Chapter
  • American Psychiatric Nurses Association
  • American Public Health Association
  • Midwest Nursing Research Society


Selected Publications

Forster, M., Grigsby, T., Rogers, C., Unger, J., Alvarado, S., Rainisch, B., Areba, E. (2021). Perceived discrimination, coping styles, and internalizing symptoms among a community sample of Hispanic and Somali adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health. Dec 30:S1054-139X(21)00505-X. Epub ahead of print.

Jewett, P. I., Ronald, E., Gangnon, R. E., Kafka, J., Areba, E. M., Malecki, K., Borowsky, I. W. (2021). Weapon-carrying among boys in US schools by race/ethnicity: 1993-2019. Pediatrics, e2020049623.

Areba, E. M, Taliaferro, L. A, Forster, M., McMorris, B. J., Mathiason, M. A., Eisenberg, M. E. (2021). Adverse childhood experiences and suicidality: school connectedness as a protective factor for ethnic minority adolescents. Children and Youth Services Review120.

Areba, M. E., Watts, A., Eisenberg, M., Larson, N., Neumark-Sztainer, D. (2021). Acculturation and ethnic group differences in well-being among Somali, Latino, and Hmong adolescents. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry; 91(1),109-119.

Forster, M., Grigsby, T. J., Areba, E., Unger, J. B., Rogers, C. J, Schwartz, S. J. (2020). Psychometric evaluation of the perceived context of reception scale among Hispanic and Somali adolescents. Journal of Clinical Psychology;1–10.

Areba, E. M., Peterson, B., & Forster, M. (2020). Centering the margins: Recruiting refugee and immigrant origin youth and parents into a community-based study. SAGE Research Methods Cases.

Eisenberg, M. E., Puhl, R., Areba, E. M., Neumark-Sztainer, D. (2019). Family weight teasing, ethnicity, and acculturation: Associations with well-being among Latinx, Hmong, and Somali Adolescents. Journal of Psychosomatic Research,122, 88-93.

Forster, M., Gower, A, L., Areba E., McMorris, B., J. (2019). Cumulative psychosocial risks, internal asse, and past 30-day tobacco use among middle and high school students: The promise of internal assets. Addictive Behaviors. 89, 240-247.

Robertson, C. L., Halcon, L., Hoffman, S. J., Osman, N., Mohamed, A., Areba, E., Savik, K., Mathiason, M. A. (2019). Health Realization Community Coping Intervention for Somali Refugee Women. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 1(5):1077-1084.

Areba, E., Eisenberg, M., & McMorris, B. (2018). Relationships between family structure, adolescent health status and substance use: Does ethnicity matter? Journal of Community Psychology, 46(1), 44-57 DOI:

Areba, E. M., Duckett, L., Robertson, C., Savik, K. (2018). Religious Coping, Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety, and Well-Being Among Somali College Students. Journal of Religion and Health, 57(1):94-109.

Areba, E., Mohamud, I. H. (2016). Seeking Divine Solutions for Our Youth: A Conversation with Imam Hassan Mohamud. Creative Nursing; 22(1):29-32.


Selected Presentations

Areba, E. M., (Author & Presenter), McMorris, B. J., (Author & Presenter), Mathiason, M., (Author & Presenter), Safo, S., (Author & Presenter) "The Potential Buffering Role of Racial/Ethnic Diversity in Schools on Relationships between Race/ Ethnicity, School Connections, School Safety and Prejudiced-Based Peer Harassment. ", Society for Prevention Research 28th Annual Meeting, Washington, District of Columbia, United States. May 26, 2020.

Forster, M., Baker, J., Watts, J., Peterson, B., Areba, E. M. "Perceived Context of Reception and Mental Health among Hispanic and Somali Youth", 2019 Annual Meeting of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, Washington, District of Columbia, March 01, 2019.

Areba, E. M., McMorris, B., Mathiason, M., Sieving, R., Eisenberg, M. "Perpetration of Peer Harassment: Associations with Adverse Childhood Experiences and Victimization Among Ethnic Minority Adolescents", American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, American Public Health Association, San Diego, California, November 01, 2018.

Areba, E. M., Forster, M., Lee, J., Morris, B. J., Eisenberg, M. "Suicidality: The school Context as A Protective Factor for Ethnic Minority Adolescents", Society for Research on Adolescents (SRA) Biennial Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 01, 2018.

Areba, E. M., Watts, A., Eisenberg, M., Larson, N., Neumark-Sztainer, D. "Differences in Acculturation, Health and Academic Achievement: Findings from the Eat 2010 Study. ", Society for Prevention Annual Research Conference, Wasington, DC, District of Columbia, May 30, 2017.

Areba, E. M. "Ethnic Group Differences in Adolescent Well-being: Results from Project EAT 2010", The 41st Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) Annual Research Conference, Washington, D.C., April 07, 2017.

Areba, E. M., (Author & Presenter) "Relationships between Family Structure, Adolescent Health Status and Substance Use: Does Ethnicity Matter?", Annual University of Minnesota Diversity Breakfast, Gallery of Excellence, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. November 11, 2016.

Areba, E. M., Eisenberg, M., McMorris, B. "How Does Family Structure Relate to Family, School and Community Connectedness to Latino, Hmong and Somali Students?", The 2016 Leadership Education in Adolescent Health Meeting--Health Resources and Administration--Maternal and Child Health, Rockville, Maryland, May 17, 2016.

Areba, E. M. "The Role of Family Structure and Ethnicity on Youth Health Outcomes", The 30th Annual Pediatric Research Education and Scholarship Symposium (PRESS), Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. April 15, 2016.

Areba, E. M., Duckett, L. J., Robertson, C. L. "Religious Coping, Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety, and Well-being Among Somali College Students", 142nd Annual Meeting and Exposition, American Public Health Association, St. Louis, Missouri, United States. November 18, 2014.

Areba, E. M., Duckett, L. J., Robertson, C. L. "Religious Coping, Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety, and Well-being Among Somali College Students", 38th Annual Meeting, Midwest Nursing Research Society, St. Louis, Missouri, United States. March 29, 2014.

Robertson, C. L., (Presenter), Halcon, L. L., Osman, N., Mohamed, A., Areba, E. M. "Testing a Community Coping Intervention for Somali Refugee Women", American Public Health Association, 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, October 29, 2012.

Areba, E. M., (Author), Monsen, K. A., (Author & Presenter) "Evaluating Effects of Public Health Nurse Home Visiting on Health Literacy for Immigrants and Using Standardized Nursing Terminology Data", International Public Health Nursing Conference 2nd Annual Meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota, October 09, 2012.

Robertson, C. L., Halcon, L. L., (Presenter), Areba, E. M. "Testing a Community Coping Intervention for Somali Refugee Women", International Public Health Nursing Conference 2nd Annual Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota, October 09, 2012.

Areba, E. M., Monsen, K. A., (Presenter) "Evaluating Effects of Public Health Nurse Home Visiting on Health Literacy for Immigrants and Refugees Using Standardized Nursing Terminology Data", International Congress on Nursing Informatics 11th Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada. June 23, 2012.

Areba, E. M., (Presenter), Monsen, K. A., Brandt, J., Lytton, A., Mitchell, S., Selameab, T., Radosevich, D. "Pilot Test of a Maternal Risk Index Score to Assess PHN Caseload Risk and Forecast Care Needs", American Public Health Association 139th Annual Meeting , Washington, D.C., District of Columbia, October 29, 2011.

Areba, E. M., (Presenter), Monsen, K. A. "Effects of Healthcare Interventions on Health Literacy and Health Disparities", University of Minnesota Continuing Medical Education: Transplant Immunosupression: The difficult issues, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 12, 2011.

Henly, S. J., (Presenter), Areba, E. M., Gjere, N., Hart, C., Kristofersson, G. "Engaging PhD Students in Scientific Communication in Nursing: Seminar in Research Dissemination", Academy of Nursing Editors Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, August 04, 2011.

Monsen, K. A., (Presenter), Dubbels, K., Timm, E., Johnson, E., Areba, E. M. "Public Health Assessment and Assurance Home Visiting", Minnesota Omaha System Users Group Meeting, West St. Paul, Minnesota, March 07, 2011.

Duckett, L. J., (Presenter), Ringdahl, D., McCollough, K., Mills, M., Connor, S., Areba, E. M. "Testing Feasibility, Acceptability and Safety of Reiki Touch for Premature Infants", American Public Health Association 136th Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, November 06, 2010.

Areba, E. M., (Presenter) "Cultural and Gender Diversity in Nursing School Enrollment", Midwest Nursing Research Society 32nd Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, March 20, 2008.

Grants and Patents

Selected Grants

Award: Centering the Margins; Addressing Suicide Risks among Ethno-Racial Minority Adolescents
Principal Investigator: Areba, Eunice Moraa
Sponsoring Organization: MCHB HRSA R4245811
Award Period: 2022 - 2023

Award: Forced Migration and SOGIE (sexual orientation, gender identity& expression): An initial field assessment focused on the health experiences of LGBTQ+ urban refugees in Kenya
Principal Investigator: Rider, G. Nic
Sponsoring Organization: Human Rights Center, University of Minnesota Law School
Award Dates: 2019 - 2021

Award: Promoting Effective Coping Among Refugee and Immigrant Adolescents
Principal Investigator: Areba, Eunice Moraa
Sponsoring Organization: Grant-in-Aid Research, Office of the Vice President (OVPR), University of Minnesota
Award Dates: 2017 - 2019

Award: Developing a PHN seminar exposing students to health disparities, advocacy, and policy discourse; the unique health experiences in the LGBTQI community
Principal Investigator: Hoffman, Sarah
Sponsoring Organization: School of Nursing Foundation, University of Minnesota
Award Dates: 2017 - 2018

Award: Safe2Eat Application
Principal Investigator: Hedberg, Craig
Sponsoring Organization: Minnesota’s Discovery Research and InnoVation Economy (MnDRIVE) Institution, University of Minnesota
Award Dates: 2015 - 2016

Award: Religious Coping, Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety and Well-being Among Somali College Students
Principal Investigator: Areba, Eunice Moraa
Sponsoring Organization: Consortium on Law and Values in Health, Environment & the Life Sciences, University of Minnesota
Award Dates: 2013 – 2014


Research Summary

  • Integrative health: Influences on mental, emotional and behavioral health and wellbeing of refugee and immigrant youth and families
  • Interpersonal violence and substance use and misuse
  • Health disparities: Capacity building and health equity