Pre Conference: June 13, 2018
Conference: June 14-15, 2018
Conference Overview
Pre-Conference Only
Full Price: $350
Student: $150
Main Conference Only
Full Price: $400
Student: $250
Full Conference
Full Price: $750
Student: $400
The Graduate Hotel
(formerly The Commons Hotel)
615 Washington Avenue SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Keynote Speakers
Renowned for her work in health professional education, and specifically, interprofessional education and continuing education, Dr. Barbara Brandt serves as associate vice president within the University of Minnesota’s Academic Health Center, and she is the director of the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, a public-private partnership and cooperative agreement with the Health Resources and Services Administration, established in 2012.
In her leadership roles, Dr. Brandt has served as a consultant, advisor and speaker for a wide variety of organizations such as the Institute of Medicine, the National Quality Forum, the Academy of Healthcare Improvement, the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, the Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and the American Medical Association.
Dr. Brandt holds a bachelor of arts in the teaching of history from the University of Illinois at Chicago and a master of education and doctor of philosophy degrees in continuing education (specializing in continuing professional education for the health professions) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In 2013 she was recognized as a University of Illinois Distinguished Alumna. She completed W.K. Kellogg Foundation-sponsored post-doctoral fellowship for faculty in adult and continuing education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Anne is known for facilitating Pryority Partnerships as a certified Online Visibility Strategist; she is recognized as an expert in LinkedIn -creating and coaching on thought leadership strategies for c-level executives, business owners, recruiters, sales and marketing executives and job seekers.
Anne has helped generate millions of dollars in sales for employers leveraging LinkedIn. As a former executive at Carlson Marketing, she served as Sr. Director of Wellness and Innovation where she designed solutions for Fortune 500 clients.
Anne is featured in numerous books and is frequently tapped as a sought-after speaker for her universal meaningful connection approach which begins with her philosophy: what happens to you happens to me; we are here to do our greatest good and we need each other to do so.
Conference Details
Pre-conference: June 13, 2018
The purpose of the pre-conference is to provide exemplars and hands on experience. Using examples provided, participants will learn about using nursing data for big data science and the function it plays in the global agenda for improving health and health care. Participants will choose one of the following tracks for the day.
Track 1: Hands-On Full Life Cycle Data Science Workshop – Steve Johnson, PhD; Lisiane Pruinelli, PhD, RN
The purpose of this track is to conduct hands-on data science techniques including exploratory data analysis, data preparation and model development. Participants will first learn important concepts and theory of data science and then discuss the challenges of working with EHR data including issues of data quality, data complexity and non-standardization. Participants will interact with and take away a fully functioning environment with synthetic data and step-by-step recipes for a data science project.
Track 2: Social Media Analytics and Mobile Technology – Martin Michalowski, PhD; Thomas R. Clancy, PhD, MBA, RN, FAAN
The purpose of this track is to increase knowledge of relationship between social medial and mobile health for practice, quality, and research. Exemplars will be provided of how social media data drives the Get Well Network Interactive Care Model, proactive monitoring with sensory technology for dementia caregivers, integrated systems that address unmet clinical needs in point-of-care testing and treatment, and visualization social media data.
Track 3: Streamlining and Transforming Documentation – David Boyd, DNP, RN; Shannon Hulett, DNP, RN, CNL
The purpose of this workshop is to share exemplars from practice for transforming and streamlining nursing documentation. This workshop is well-timed as nurses, the most frequent users of electronic health records, spend unnecessary time using EHRs and current designs do not facilitate knowledge-driven care. Transformations will support better data for extraction to ultimately drive and measure improvements in patient outcomes.
Conference: June 14-15, 2018
The purpose of the main conference is to learn about major milestones achieved toward sharable and comparable nurse-sensitive data and advance a National Action Plan for consistent documentation and use of nursing and interprofessional data for analytics and big data science. Plan to collaborate with national nursing leaders and share in one voice to make nursing’s contribution visible in this digital age.
The Focus of the conference is on learning about accomplishments of the 10 workgroups, how it applies to your work, and how you can contribute to the future of this national Nursing Knowledge and Big Data Science Initiative.
The conference is open to all who have an interest in advancing the alignment and use of health data for improved health outcomes and research. Now in its sixth year, the conference brings together policy and thought leaders in health care, government, the private sector, education and advocacy organizations to learn from one another and advance an action plan for sharable, comparable data.
Keynote speakers:
• Anne Pryor, MA, Social Media Strategist, Executive Coach
• Barbara Brandt, PhD - Director, National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, University of Minnesota
Pre Conference: June 13, 2018
7:00 Registration and breakfast
8:00 Welcome – Speed Networking
8:15 Nursing Knowledge Big Data Science Initiative: Where have we been and where are we going?
Connie W. Delaney PhD, RN, FAAN, FACMI; Bonnie L. Westra PhD, RN, FAAN, FACMI
9:15 Break
9:30 Participants choose of the following Tracks to follow
Track 1: Hands-On Full Life Cycle Data Science Workshop – Steve Johnson, PhD; Lisiane Pruinelli, PhD, RN Track 1 Presentations
Track 2: Social Media and Mobile Health Analytics – Martin Michalowski, PhD; Thomas R. Clancy, PhD, MBA, RN, FAAN Track 2 Presentations
Track 3: Streamlining and Transforming Documentation – David Boyd, DNP, RN; Shannon Huelett, DNP, RN Track 3 Presentations
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Continue with workshops
3:30 Break
3:45 Key insights from participants in Tracks
4:30 Wrap up - link Pre-conference to Conference over the next 2 days
June 14
Conference: June 14, 2018
7:00 Registration and breakfast
8:00 Welcome – Nursing Knowledge Big Data Science Initiative
Planetary Health Presentation (.pptx)
8:15 Interprofessional Practice in a Turbulent Time
Barbara Brandt, PhD - Director, National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education; Associate Vice President, Academic Health Center
Presentation (.pptx)
9:15 Health IT for Nursing: What Now?
Kelly Cochran, MS, RN, Senior Policy Advisor, Health Information Technology; Rebecca Freeman, PhD, RN, PMP, Interim Chief Nursing Informatics Officer, University of Vermont Health Network
9:45 Break
10:00 Workgroup Report on 2017 accomplishments
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Workgroup meetings (Breakouts)
3:15 eRepository for Sharing Best Practices
Jane Carrington, PhD, RN, FAAN, Associate Professor, College of Nursing
University of Arizona; Charlotte Weaver, PhD, RN, FAAN, Retired Healthcare Executive, Board Director at VNHS, Atlanta and PIH Health System
3:30 Break
3:45 Social Media Branding Strategies
Anne Pryor, MA – Social Media Strategist, LinkedIn Expert, Executive Coach
LinkedIn Preparations before this session
5:00 Wrap up – Networking Reception at McNamara Café and Terrace
June 15
7:15 Breakfast
8:00 Workgroup –Breakouts
10:00 Break
10:15 Workgroup Planning for 2017-2018 – goals and key activities
11:30 Painting the Picture for Sharable and Comparable Nurse-Sensitive Data
Panel Workgroup Leaders
12:30 Wrap up