Workgroups and leaders

Big Data Workgroups

Workgroups and Leaders

Workgroups are composed of volunteers focused on specific topics aligned with the NKBDS Initiative’s vision and mission.  They meet virtually throughout the year in order to achieve their action plans.  All are welcomed to join any workgroup.

Data Science and Clinical Analytics

Steven G. Johnson, PhD, FAMIA
Lisiane Pruinelli, PhD, MS, RN, FAMIA

Purpose: To apply data science and clinical analytic methods, incorporating validated information models derived from diverse sources of health care data, to address nurse-sensitive clinical research questions that have the potential to inform and educate nursing and multidisciplinary approaches for better patient care and outcomes.

Determinants of Health

Ruth Wetta, RN, PhD, MPH, MSN

Purpose: To support the standardized collection of determinants of health data into sharable, comparable, and actionable nursing practice to improve the health of individuals, families, communities, and populations.

Digital Health and Innovation

Whende M. Carroll, MSN, RN, NI-BC, FHIMSS
Christie Martin, PhD, RN

Purpose: Identify and support activities and resources to address unmet needs and create opportunities in digital health and innovation.

Knowledge Modeling and Encoding

Stephanie Hartleben, MSN, MHA, RN, NI-BC
Tess Settergren, MHA, MA, RN-BC


  1. Derive nursing knowledge models from EHR documentation and "best evidence."
  2. Map the core, essential concepts, and values to data standards for interoperability, while
    documenting heuristics.
  3. Submit requests for new LOINC® terms and SNOMED CT® concepts where gaps exist.
  4. Disseminate the deliverables for replicability.

Learning Collaborative for Digital Health

Mary Jane Rivard DNP, RN, NI-BC
Nancy Husson DNP, RN, CHSE

Purpose: The Learning Collaborative for Digital Health's purpose is to engage nurse educators and practice partners with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) to educate nurses at all levels of participation and to lead the digital evolution improving healthcare and health globally.

Nursing Value

Greg Clancy, DNP, MA, RN
Liz Swanson, PhD, RN

Purpose: To examine, measure, and disseminate examples of nursing value within the evolving context of care and supporting the tenets of health equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging.

Policy and Advocacy

Susan Alexander, DNP, CRNP, ADM-BC
Dana Bensinger, DNP, RN, NI-BC

Purpose: Develop, review, and support policy recommendations to advocate for the improvement of health and healthcare by using nursing knowledge, empowered by informatics.

Transforming Documentation

Bonnie Adrian, PhD, NI-BC

Purpose: Explore ways to decrease the documentation burden and serve up information in the electronic health record at the right time in the workflow to support evidence-based and personalized care. Elevate purpose-driven, role-based, patient-centric, evidence informed documentation transformation to capture nurse observations and interventions and drive purposeful secondary-use and precision nursing. Transformation supports enhanced data utilization to drive and measure improvement in patient outcomes and illuminate nursing's value and contribution in healthcare.