Brian Goodroad, DNP, APRN, CNP, FAANP

Clinical Professor
photo of Brian Goodroad


Office Phone
Office Address

6-175 Weaver-Densford Hall
Minneapolis, MN 55455
United States


DNP, Minnesota State University, Moorhead

MS, University of California, San Francisco
Major: Nursing
Minor: HIV

BA, Metropolitan State University
Major: Nursing
AD, North Dakota State University
Major: Nursing


ANAC Doctoral Fellowship, Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, November 2000
Pre-doctoral Fellowship for HIV/AIDS Nursing Care and Prevention, University of California, San Francisco School of Nursing, Department of Community Health Systems, 1998-1999, 1999-2000, 2000-2000

Licensures and Certifications

APRN, Minnesota Board of Nursing
RN, Minnesota Board of Nursing
FNP, American Nurses Credentialing Center
ANP, American Nurses Credentialing Center
AACRN, HIV/AIDS, Nursing Certification Board
ACRN, HIV/AIDS, Nursing Certification Board
Certificate in Travel Health
PHN, Minnesota Board of Nursing


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Biographical Summary

Dr. Brian Goodroad has an extensive and diverse teaching history, ranging from undergraduate to graduate programs, with a primary focus on guiding nurses toward becoming nurse practitioners. His instructional expertise spans a wide range of subjects, including clinical NP education, research and evidence-based practice, health policy, population health, and epidemiology. Dr. Goodroad's teaching excellence is reflected in his nominations for advisor and teacher of the year. He has actively served in leadership roles, including as a tenured professor, Graduate Programs Director, and Interim Department Chair.

Complementing his teaching, Dr. Goodroad's scholarship has been devoted to educating community healthcare providers about caring for individuals with HIV and advancing APRN practice through health policy. His long-standing commitment to HIV education is evident through his involvement with the Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center (MATEC) since the late 1980s, where he currently serves as the Clinical Advisor. His contributions to HIV education, both locally and nationally, have been extensive. He has been a prominent figure in the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC), advocating for nurses during the HIV epidemic. He played a key role in forming the Nurse Practitioner Association of MN, contributing to the establishment of Minnesota Nurse Practitioners (MNNP), and championing full-practice authority legislation. Dr. Goodroad continues his impactful work in APRN health policy and serves on committees focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion in nursing associations. As a clinical professor, he contributes to the University of Minnesota's School of Nursing's FNP program drawn by its rich history of nursing education and strong support for APRN education.

Teaching Summary

  • Primary care, public health practice, public policy, health assessment
  • Educating community healthcare providers about caring for individuals with HIV
  • Advancing Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) practice through health policy. 


Actively engaged in legislative and advocacy efforts related to nurse practitioners (NPs) and advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). Worked with various stakeholders to include NPs in commitment statutes and align state legislation with changes brought about by the Federal CAREs Act, ensuring that NPs are authorized to provide Home Care and Hospice ordering. Co-author role in the successful passage and enactment of the 3rd and 4th Practice Alignment/Signature Recognition Bill, as well as the State Insurance Programs Disability assessment bill, both of which incorporated APRNs into these programs. Additionally, formed an advocacy partnership with the Minnesota Affiliate of the American College of Nurse Midwives, strengthening their efforts in advancing healthcare policy and practice related to APRNs.

Honors & Regognition

Inducted Fellow
    American Association of Nurse Practitioners, June 2018

State Award for Excellence- NP Advocate.
    American Association of Nurse Practitioners, June 2017. 

Certificate of Recognition as State Representative
    American Association of Nurse Practitioners, June 2016

President’s Circle of Engagement
    Metropolitan State University – 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016

Certificate of Appreciation for service to the HIV/AIDS Community
    Minnesota Department of Human Services, 2013, 2014

Article of the Year 2010
    “Integrating HIV-Related Evidence-Based Renal Care Guidelines into Adult HIV Clinics”
    Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, November 2010

Professional Memberships

American Association of Nurse Practitioners
American Association for Men in Nursing
American Nurses Association/MN Organization of Registered Nurses
Association of Nurses in AIDS Care/San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (National)
Minnesota APRN Coalition
Minnesota Nurse Practitioners
Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society



Pittenger, A.M., Goodroad B., Nicol, M., Durgin, E., Eveland, L., Kaiser, R., …Rybicki, S. (2019). Interprofessional Education in HIV Care Elective Course. American Journal of Pharmacy Education, e-view.

Goodroad, B.K., Webb, M., & Bredow, T.S. (2016). Planned change. In S. Peterson & T. Bredow (Eds.), Middle range theories: Application to nursing research and practice (4th ed, pp. 279-292). New York, NY: Wolters Kluwer.

Horvath, K.J., Eastman, M., Prosser, R., Goodroad, B., & Worthington, L. (2012). Addressing smoking during medical visits: Patients with human immunodeficiency virus. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 43(5S3), S214-S221. 

Yeheyes, L. & Goodroad, B.K.  (2011). Basics of antiretroviral therapy.  In Z. Temesgen (Ed.), Essentials of HIV medicine E-Series/Ethiopia – nurses. Retrieved from

Goodroad, B.K., Wright, T., & Rhame, F.S. (2010). Integrating HIV-related evidence-based renal care guidelines in adult HIV clinics. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 21(2), 113-124.

Goodroad, B.K. (2010).  Managing antiretroviral therapy. In B. Swanson (Ed.), ANAC’s core curriculum for HIV/AIDS nursing (3rd ed., pp. 52-62). Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Bradley-Springer, L., Fileds-Gardner, C., Goodroad, B., Harrell, C.A., & Williams, A.B. (2009). The ART of adherence: HIV counseling toolkit. Healthmatters CME: New York.

Goodroad, B.K. (2003).  Managing antiretroviral therapy. In C. Kirton (Ed.), ANAC’s core curriculum for HIV/AIDS nursing (2nd ed., pp. 51-64).  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Goodroad, B.K. (2003). HIV/AIDS in people over 50: A Continuing Concern. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 29(4), 18-24.

Kemppainen, J.K., Holzemer, W.L., Nokes, K., Eller, L.S., Corless, I.B., Bunch, E.H., Kirksey, K.M., Goodroad, B.K., Portillo, C.J., Miramontes, H., & Chou, F. (2003).  Self-care management of anxiety and fear in HIV disease. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 14(2), 21-29.

Poster/Abstract Presentations

  1. Poster Presentation: Prosser, R. A., & Goodroad, B. K. (2012, June). A reasonable approach to medication behavior in African American women living with HIV. Poster presented at the AANP 27th National Conference, Orlando, FL, June 20-24. Poster # 321.

  2. Poster Presentation: Goodroad, B. K., Wright, T., & Rhame, F. S. (2009, March). Integrating HIV-related renal care guidelines. Poster presented at the Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, Minneapolis, MN, March 27-30.

  3. Poster Presentation: Goodroad, B. K., Wright, T., & Rhame, F. S. (2009, March). Integrating HIV-related renal care guidelines. Poster session presented at the Doctor of Nursing Practice Consortium Program: Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Celebration Program, St. Paul, MN.

  4. Journal Article: Eller, L., Corless, I., Bunch, E., Kemppainen, J., Holzemer, W., Nokes, K., ... Goodroad, B. (2001). Self-Care for depression in HIV disease. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 12(Suppl.), 99.

  5. Journal Article: Nokes, K., Sanzero-Eller, L., Corless, I., Bunch, E., Kemppainen, J., Holzemer, W., ... Goodroad, B. (2001). Self-care strategies for nausea/vomiting by persons with HIV disease. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 12(Suppl.), 101.

  6. Paper Presentation: Goodroad, B. K., Holzemer, W., & Stringari-Murray, S. (2001, April). The symptom experience and medication adherence in people living with HIV/AIDS. Paper presented at the 34th Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference/15th Annual Western Institute of Nursing Assembly, April 19-21.

  7. Poster Presentation: Eller, L., Corless, I., Bunch, E., Kemppainen, J., Holzemer, W., Nokes, K., ... Goodroad, B. (2001). Self-care for depression in HIV disease. Poster presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society Conference, Atlantic City, NJ.

  8. Poster Presentation: Eller, L., Corless, I., Bunch, E., Kemppainen, J., Holzemer, W., Nokes, K., ... Goodroad, B. (2000, November 1). Self-Care for depression in HIV disease. Poster presented at the 1st Evidence-Based Practice in HIV Symptom Management Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

  9. Abstract Presentation: Eller, L., Corless, I., Bunch, E., Kemppainen, J., Holzemer, W., Nokes, K., ... Goodroad, B. (2000, July 10-14). Self-Care for depression in HIV disease. Abstract presented at the 13th International AIDS Conference, Durban, South Africa. [Abstract ThPeB5240].

  10. Poster Presentation: Goodroad, B. K, Portillo, C. J., & Holzemer, W. L. (1999, November). Development, implementation and evaluation of an HIV minor in a graduate nursing program. Poster presented at the XII Annual Conference of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, San Diego, CA.