Melissa Horning, PhD, RN, PHN
PhD, University of Minnesota
Major: Nursing
Minor: Public Health
BS, College of St. Benedict
Major: Nursing
Licensures and Certifications
Biographical Summary
Associate Professor Melissa Horning's current research focuses on enhancing access to and consumption of healthy foods. It involves evaluating the effectiveness of mobile food markets, specifically the Twin Cities Mobile Market, in bringing affordable and nutritious food to underserved communities. Through a cluster randomized trial funded by the National Institutes of Health, she aims to assess the impact of the full-service mobile market on diet quality, food purchasing habits, and food security. Dr. Horning strives to develop sustainable solutions for addressing food insecurity and improving food access, in collaboration with policymakers and legislators.
Research Summary
- Community-based participatory health promotion research with children, youth and families
- Addressing social ecological influences on health behaviors to improve health equity, especially around health food access, affordability, purchase and intake
- Public health nursing
Health promotion among vulnerable populations
Dr. Horning is currently conducting community-based participatory research to address social determinants of health that influence health behaviors, nutrition and obesity of individuals and families living in underserved communities. She is exploring the role mobile food markets play in addressing healthy food access and reducing health disparities.
Additional health promotion among vulnerable populations research being conducted by faculty include how family meals can prevent childhood obesity, healthy youth development interventions to reduce risky behaviors and preventing falls in older adults.
Professional Memberships
- Center for Adolescent Nursing
- Center for Child and Family Health Promotion Research
- Minnesota Obesity Prevention Center
- National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity
- American Public Health Association, Public Health Nursing Section
- International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Selected Publications
Horning, M. L., Bell, A., Porter, L., Wagner, S., Alver, B., & Kamdar, N. (2023). Differences in mobile food market customer outcomes between 2019 and 2021. Public Health Nursing, 00, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1111/phn.13202
Horning, M.L., Lee, J., Kamdar, N. and Winkler, M.R. (2023). Food insecurity requires nursing action. Public Health Nursing, 40, 219-221. https://doi.org/10.1111/phn.13169
Kamdar, N., Hundt, N. E., Ramsey, D. J., Sansgiry, S., Utech, A., Horning, M., & Helmer, D. A. (2023). Characteristics associated with persistent versus transient food insecurity among US veterans screened in the Veterans Health Administration. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 123(7), 1044-1052.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2023.03.006
Baltaci, A., Laska, M. N., Horning, M., Hearst, M., Lee, J., & Fulkerson, J. A. (2023). Parent meal self-efficacy and practices in households with healthy home food environments in the face of economic hardship. Appetite, 190, 107029. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2023.107029.
Horning, M. L., Friend, S., Lee, J., Flattum, C., & Fulkerson, J. A. (2022). Family characteristics associated with preparing and eating more family evening meals at home. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 122(1), 121–128. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jand.2021.07.002
Flattum, C., Friend, S., Horning, M., Lindberg, R., Beaudette, J., & Fulkerson, J. A. (2021). Family-focused obesity prevention program implementation in urban versus rural communities: a case study. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 1915. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-11967-3
Horning, M. L., Alver, B., Porter, L., Lenarz-Coy, S., & Kamdar, N. (2021). Food insecurity, food-related characteristics and behaviors, and fruit and vegetable intake in mobile market customers. Appetite. 166 (105466). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2021.105466
Kamdar, N. P., Horning, M. L., Geraci, J. C., Uzdavines, A. W., Helmer, D. A., & Hundt, N. E. (2021). Risk for depression and suicidal ideation among food insecure US veterans: data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 56(12), 2175–2184. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00127-021-02071-3
Burcher, S. A., Corey, L. A., McClure Mentzer, K., Davis, L., McNamee, H., Horning, M. L., Brown, S. J., & Shlafer, R. J. (2021). Family home visiting and fathers: A scoping review. Children and Youth Services Review. 128(106132). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2021.106132
Horning, M. L., Hill, T. M., Martin, C., Hassan, A., Petrovskis, A. & Bohen, L. (2021). The East Side Table Make-at-Home Meal-Kit Program is Feasible and Acceptable: A Pilot Study. Appetite, 160. (105087). doi:10.1016/j.appet.2020.105087
Fulkerson, J. A., Horning, M. L., Barr-Anderson, D. J., Linde, J. A., Sidebottom, A. C., Lindberg, R., Friend, S., Flattum, C., Freese, R. L. (2021). Primary childhood obesity prevention in a rural community: Study design, methods and baseline participant characteristics of the NU-HOME randomized controlled trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 100 (106160). doi:10.1016/j.cct.2020.106160
Horning, M. L., Porter, L., 2020. Twin Cities Mobile Market Food Delivery Model: A Preliminary Study Describing Results of A Customer Intercept Survey and Point of Sale Data for 2016. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, 15(4), 484-495.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/19320248.2019.1654426
Horning, M. L., Porter, L. R., Hassan, A., Edson, E., 2020. Full-Service Twin Cities Mobile Market Impact: Qualitative Findings From Focus Groups With Customers. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 120(9), 1548-1556.
Horning, M. L., Schneider, R., Beacham, B., McKechnie, A. C., Kirk, L., Emery, D., Lindquist, R., 2020. Appreciation of the Research-Practice Link: Authentic Learning Environments for Writing-Intensive Nursing Courses. Nursing Education Perspectives, 41(6), 361-363.
Horning, M. L., Ostrow, L., Beierwaltes, P., Beaudette, J., Schmitz, K., Fulkerson, J. A., 2020. Service Learning within Community-Engaged Research: Facilitating Nursing Student Learning Outcomes. Journal of Professional Nursing, 36(6), 510-513.
Horning, M. L., Olsen, J. M., Lell, S., Thorson, D. R., Monsen, K. A., 2018. Description of Public Health Nursing Nutrition Assessment and Interventions for Home-Visited Women. Public Health Nursing, 35(4), 317-326.
Myers, M. L., Fulkerson, J. A., Friend, S. E., Horning, M. L., Flattum, C. F., 2018. Case Study: Behavior Changes in the Family-Focused Obesity Prevention HOME Plus Program. Public Health Nursing, 35(4), 299-306.
Olsen, J. M., Horning, M. L., Thorson, D., Monsen, K. A., 2018. Relationships Between Public Health Nurse-Delivered Physical Activity Interventions and Client Physical Activity Behavior. Applied Nursing Research, 40, 13-19.
Fulkerson, J. A., Friend, S., Horning, M., Flattum, C., Draxten, M., Neumark-Sztainer, D., Gurvich, O., Garwick, A., Story, M., Kubik, M. Y., 2018. Family Home Food Environment and Nutrition-Related Parent and Child Personal and Behavioral Outcomes of the Healthy Home Offerings via the Mealtime Environment (HOME) Plus Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 118(2), 240-251.
Horning, M. L., Liden, G., McMorris, B. J., 2017. Sprouting Seeds of Connectedness: Associations between Gardening and Cooking Skills and Youth Connections to Peers, Adults, and Community. Children, Youth and Environments, 27(1), 1.
doi: https://doi.org/10.7721/chilyoutenvi.27.1.0001
Loth, K. A., Horning, M., Friend, S., Neumark-Sztainer, D., Fulkerson, J., 2017. An Exploration of How Family Dinners Are Served and How Service Style Is Associated With Dietary and Weight Outcomes in Children. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 49(6), 513-518.
Horning, M. L., Schow, R., Friend, S. E., Loth, K., Neumark-Sztainer, D., Fulkerson, J. A., 2017. Family Dinner Frequency Interacts with Dinnertime Context in Associations with Child and Parent BMI Outcomes. Journal of Family Psychology, 31(7), 945.
Horning, M. L., Fulkerson, J. A., Friend, S. E., Story, M., 2017. Reasons Parents Buy Prepackaged, Processed Meals: It Is More Complicated Than “I Don't Have Time”. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 49(1), 60-66.
Horning, M. L., Liden, G., McMorris, B. J., 2017. Sprouting Seeds of Connectedness: Associations between Gardening and Cooking Skills and Youth Connections to Peers, Adults, and Community. Children, Youth and Environments, 27(1), 1-16.
Horning, M. L., Fulkerson, J. A., Friend, S. E., Neumark-Sztainer, D., 2016. Associations among Nine Family Dinner Frequency Measures and Child Weight, Dietary, and Psychosocial Outcomes. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 116(6), 991-999.
Loth, K., Friend, S., Horning, M., Neumark-Sztainer, D., Fulkerson, J., 2016. Directive and Non-Directive Food-Related Parenting Practices: Associations Between an Expanded Conceptualization of Food-Related Parenting Practices and Child Dietary Intake and Weight Outcomes. Appetite, 107, 188-195.
Horning, M. L., Fulkerson, J. A., (2015). A Systematic Review on the Affordability of a Healthful Diet for Families in the United States. Public Health Nursing, 32(1),68-80.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/phn.12145
Fulkerson, J. A., Friend, S., Flattum, C., Horning, M., Draxten, M., Neumark-Sztainer, D., Gurvich, O., Story, M., Garwick, A., Kubik, M. Y., (201)5. Promoting Healthful family Meals to Prevent Obesity: HOME Plus, A Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 12(1), 1-12.
Flattum, C., Draxten, M., Horning, M., Fulkerson, J. A., Neumark-Sztainer, D., Garwick, A., Kubik, M. Y., Story, M., (2015). HOME Plus: Program Design and Implementation of a Family-Focused, Community-Based Intervention to Promote the Frequency and Healthfulness of Family Meals, Reduce Children’s Sedentary Behavior, and Prevent Obesity. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 12(1), 1-9.
Fulkerson, J. A., Larson, N., Horning, M., Neumark-Sztainer, D., (2014). A Review of Associations Between Family or Shared Meal Frequency and Dietary and Weight Status Outcomes Across the Llifespan. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 46(1), 2-19.
Selected Presentations
Burcher, S. A., Corey, L., Mentzer, K., Davis, L., McNamee, H., Horning, M. Brown, S., & Shlafer, R. (2021, Fall). Family Home Visiting and Fathers: A Scoping Review. Poster Presentation, National Council on Family Relations.
Horning, M. L., Friend, S., Freese, R., Barr-Anderson, D., Lindberg, R., Linde, J., & Fulkerson, J. A. (2021, Fall). NU-HOME Study Outcomes Related to the Home Food Environment and Child Dietary Intake and Physical Activity. Oral Presentation, The Obesity Society Conference.
Fulkerson, J. A., Barr-Anderson, D., Horning, M. L., Sidebottom, A., Linde, J., . . . Freese, R. (2021, Fall). Home Food Environment and Child Dietary and Physical Activity Outcomes of the NU-HOME RCT. Poster Presentation, The Obesity Society Conference.
Ruiz, A., Bell, A., & Horning, M. L. (2021, Oct )The relationship between food access and community cohesion of the Twin Cities Mobile Market customers during the pandemic summer of 2021. Poster presentation, Clinical Translational Science Institute Annual Poster Session, Minneapolis, MN.
Horning, M. L., Porter, L. & Alver, B. (2021, April). Prevalence of food insecurity and associations with food-related characteristics/behaviors in mobile food market customers. Oral presentation, Nursing Research Day, University of Minnesota, School of Nursing.
Horning, M. L. (2021, Nov). Using rubrics to drive writing instruction panel discussion and presentation titled: Writing with Rubrics: Examples from the School of Nursing. Writing Across the Curriculum & Center for Writing, University of Minnesota.
Horning, M. L. (2021, Nov). Addressing social determinants of health in communities through research and the role of mobile food markets to provide access to healthy foods to reduce health disparities. Nursing Discoveries Lunch, School of Nursing, University of Minnesota.
Horning, M. L. (2021, April). CBPR with the Mobile Market. Community Breakfast, Nursing Research Day, School of Nursing University of Minnesota.
Lee, J., Friend, S., Horning, M. L., Linde, J., Flattum, C., Lindberg, R., & Fulkerson, J. A. (2021, June). Are patterns of family-dinner practices associated with child and parent diet quality and body weight? International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity XChange Conference.
Grants and Patents
Selected Grants
Evaluating Diet, Food Insecurity, and Food Purchasing Outcomes of a Full-Service Mobile Food Market with a Cluster Randomized Trial
Principal Investigator: Horning Dehmer, Melissa Lynn
Sponsoring Organization: NIH NINR National Institute of Nursing
Award Dates: 2022 - 2026
New Ulm at HOME - (NU-HOME)
Principal Investigator: Fulkerson, Jayne Allyn
Sponsoring Organization: NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institu
Award Dates: 2016 - 2022
Twin Cities Mobile Market Expansion
Principal Investigator: Horning Dehmer, Melissa Lynn
Sponsoring Organization: Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
Award Dates: 2018 - 2021
Center for Research in Family Home Visiting
Principal Investigator: Shlafer, Rebecca J
Sponsoring Organization: MN Department of Health
Award Dates: 2018 - 2020
East Side Table Research Program Evaluation Partnership
Principal Investigator: Horning Dehmer, Melissa Lynn
Sponsoring Organization: Stratis Health
Award Dates: 2018 - 2019
Child and Parent Influences on Food Choices and Purchasing: Contributions to Obesity
Principal Investigator: Horning Dehmer, Melissa Lynn
Sponsoring Organization: NIH NINR National Institute of Nursing
Award Dates: 2014 - 2015
Research Summary
- Community-engaged and participatory research across the lifespan
- Addressing social ecological influences on health behaviors and nutrition like food access and food security
- Public health nursing