Colloquium gathers nurse innovators to talk about solutions

May 7, 2024


The Katharine J. Densford International Center for Nursing Leadership is hosting the Planting Seeds of Innovation Colloquium on June 4 in Minneapolis. The event will assist nurses in considering challenges in health care delivery, ask questions to see new potentials, create new paths, and get to work to make innovative change sustainable.

Oriana Beaudet, DNP, RN, FAAN, a graduate of the University of Minnesota School of Nursing Doctor of Nursing Practice specialty in health innovation and leadership, will deliver the keynote address. In her role as vice-president for Innovation at the American Nurses Association, she inspires innovation across health care for new and emerging leaders. Kelly Landsman, MN, BME, RN, PHN, a nurse, engineer and alum, will discuss the current challenges in need of innovative solutions, and Clinical Assistant Professor Stephanie Gingerich, DNP, RN, CPN, will lead attendees to ask “what if” and consider innovative thinking to pursue solutions.

Nurse innovators who have moved their ideas to reality will showcase their efforts and accomplishments using innovation in research, artificial intelligence, systems thinking and wellness. Panelists will share how they are shaping their nursing practice to assure everyone has access to and can participate in innovation. Together, attendees will look forward to the “what if…” thinking that will drive tomorrow’s changes, engage with each other to see innovation in whatever setting they are and become excited to bring innovation into action to create change for the future.

Whether you are in nursing leadership, practice, research, policy or education, the Planting Seeds of Innovation Colloquium will inspire you to ask yourself “what if?” If you are curious about innovation or you are ready to grow an innovation seed into action, come join us and learn how it’s done. Registration is available on the Densford Center website at