Kristine Talley, PhD, RN, GNP-BC
BA, University of Minnesota
Major: Political Science
MS, University of Minnesota
Major: Nursing
BSN, University of Minnesota
Major: Nursing
PhD, University of Minnesota
Major: Nursing
Biographical Summary
Kristine Talley, PhD, RN, GNP-BC, is an Associate Professor who has been recognized as a Distinguished Educator in Gerontological Nursing by the National Hartford Center of Gerontological Nursing Excellence. Her research is centered on pinpointing risk factors, preventive measures, and treatments for late-life disability stemming from geriatric syndromes affecting frail older adults. Talley instructs both graduate and undergraduate courses focused on the nursing care of older adults and was recently appointed as the director of the Center for Aging Science & Care at the School of Nursing. Her expertise in gerontological nursing education and scholarship has earned her this prestigious national distinction.
Teaching Summary
Academic Interests and Focus
I am a certified gerontological nurse practitioner with clinical experience in nursing homes. I teach courses on the nursing care of older adults in the Adult/Gerontological Nurse Practitioner Doctorate of Nursing Practice program and to undergraduate students.
Professional Memberships
Center for Aging Science and Care Innovation
Grants and Patents
Selected Grants
Award: Training the Long Term Support and Services Workforce in
Principal Investigator: Rosser, Brian Robert
Sponsoring Organization: NIH Nat'l Institute on Aging(NIA)
Award Dates: 2021 - 2022
Award: National Survey of Continence and Pelvic Floor Specialis
Principal Investigator: Wyman, Jean F
Sponsoring Organization: Soc of Urologic Nurses and Assoc (SUNA)
Award Dates: 2020 - 2021
Award: Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program
Principal Investigator: Pacala, James T
Sponsoring Organization: US Dept. of Health & Human Services HRSA
Award Dates: 2019 - 2024
Award: Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program
Principal Investigator: Pacala, James T
Sponsoring Organization: US Dept. of Health & Human Services HRSA
Award Dates: 2019 - 2024
Award: Care Interventions for Persons with Dementia (PWD) and t
Principal Investigator: Butler, Mary E
Sponsoring Organization: U.S. Dept of Health & Human Serv AHRQ
Award Dates: 2018 - 2020
Award: Care Interventions for Persons with Dementia (PWD) and t
Principal Investigator: Butler, Mary E
Sponsoring Organization: U.S. Dept of Health & Human Serv AHRQ
Award Dates: 2018 - 2020
Award: Evidence Based Practice Centers (EPCs)V Treatment of Cli
Principal Investigator: Fink, Howard Alan
Sponsoring Organization: U.S. Dept of Health & Human Serv AHRQ
Award Dates: 2018 - 2019
Award: Restore: Improving Sexual Outcomes of Gay and Bisexual P
Principal Investigator: Rosser, Brian Robert
Sponsoring Organization: NIH National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Award Dates: 2017 - 2022
Award: Restore: Improving Sexual Outcomes of Gay and Bisexual P
Principal Investigator: Rosser, Brian Robert
Sponsoring Organization: NIH National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Award Dates: 2017 - 2022
Award: Preventing Toileting Disabilities in Frail Older Women
Principal Investigator: Talley, Kristine Marie Carlson
Sponsoring Organization: The University of Iowa
Award Dates: 2012 - 2013
Award: Restorative Cares Effect on Disability in Long-Stay Nurs
Principal Investigator: Talley, Kristine Marie Carlson
Sponsoring Organization: NIH Nat'l Institute on Aging (NIA)
Award Dates: 2011 - 2014
Award: Restorative Cares Effect on Disability in Long-Stay Nurs
Principal Investigator: Talley, Kristine Marie Carlson
Sponsoring Organization: NIH Nat'l Institute on Aging (NIA)
Award Dates: 2011 - 2014
Award: Values of Older Adults Related to Primary and Secondary
Principal Investigator: Kane, Robert L
Sponsoring Organization: U.S. Dept of Health & Human Serv AHRQ
Award Dates: 2009 - 2010
Award: Common Syndromes in Older Adults Related to Primary and
Principal Investigator: Kane, Robert L
Sponsoring Organization: U.S. Dept of Health & Human Serv AHRQ
Award Dates: 2009 - 2010
Award: Comprehensive Geriatric Education Program
Principal Investigator: Mueller, Christine Ann
Sponsoring Organization: US Dept. of Health & Human Services HRSA
Award Dates: 2009 - 2012
Award: The effect of restorative care nursing on patterns of di
Principal Investigator: Talley, Kristine Marie Carlson
Sponsoring Organization: Amer Acad of Nursing
Award Dates: 2008 - 2010
Selected Publications
*,**Talley, K.M.C., Polter, E., Rosser, B.R.S., Wheldon, C.W., Haggart, R., Konety, B.R., Wright, M., Middledorf, D., Ross, M.W., West, W., Kohli, N. (in press). Urinary and bowel symptoms among gay and bisexual prostate cancer survivors and their associations with quality of life. Urologic Nursing, in press. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7257/2168-4626.2023.43.1.14
*,**Talley, K. M. C., Wyman, J. F., Berry, A., & Newman, D. K. (2022). Comparison of professional roles between urologic nurses, advanced practice providers, and therapists who provide continence care: Results of a cross-sectional survey. Urologic Nursing, 42(4), 165. doi: https://doi.org/10.7257/2168-4626.2022.42.4.165
*,**Wheldon, C.W., Bates, A.J., Polter, E.J., Rosser, B.R.S., Kapoor, A., Talley, K.M.C., Haggart, R., Kohli, N., Konety, B.R., Mitteldorf, D., Ross, M.W., West, W., & Wright, M. (in press). Unrecognized sexual dysfunction in gay and bisexual men after prostate cancer treatment: The antecedents and impact of anodyspareunia. Journal of Sexual Medicine. Accepted 1/10/2023. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/jsxmed/qdad009
*Rosser, B.R.S., Shippee, T., Wright, M.M., Aumock, C., Moone, R., Talley, K.M.C., Duran, P., Henning-Smith, C., Cahill, S., Flatt, J.D., Slaughter-Acey, J., Greenwald, S., McCarthy, T., & Ross, M.W. (in press). “Going back in the closet”: Addressing discrimination against sexual and gender minority residents in long-term services and supports by providing culturally responsive care. Journal of Aging & Social Policy. Accepted 12/27/22. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/08959420.2023.2226300
*,**Ross, M.W., Rosser, B.R.S., Polter, E.J., Bates, A,J., Wheldon, C.W., Haggart, R., West, W., Kohli, N., Konety, B.R., Mitteldorf, D., Talley, K.M.C., & Wright, M. (2022). Discrimination of sexual and gender minority patients in prostate cancer treatment: Results from the Restore-1 study. Stigma and Health. doi: https://doi.org/10.1037/sah0000356
*,**Haggart, R.C., Bates, A., Rosser, B.R.S., Polter, E., Talley, K.M.C., Wright, M. & Konety, B.R. (2022). Self-reported Gleason scores in sexual minority prostate cancer survivors: Results of a survey item revision. AUANews, (December issue), from doi: https://auanews.net/issues/articles/2022/december-2022/self-reported-gleason-scores-in-sexual-minority-prostate-cancer-survivors-results-of-a-survey-item-revision.
*,**Tatum, A. Rosser, B.R.S., Wheldon, C.W., Bates, A.J., Talley, K.M.C., Haggart, R., Konety, B.R., Mitteldorf, M., Polter, E.J., Ross, M.W., Talley, K.M.C., West, W., Wright, M., Zhang, Z. (2022). The effects of prostate cancer treatment on role-in-sex in gay and bisexual men: Mixed methods results from the Restore-1 and Restore-2 studies. Journal of Sex Research, 1-10. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2022.2128027
*,**Wheldon C.W., Polter, E., Rosser, B.R.S., Bates, A.J., Haggart, R., Wright, M., Mitteldorf, D., Ross, M.W., Konety, B.R., Kohli, N., Talley, K.M.C., West, W., Tatum, A.K. (2022). Prevalence and risk factors for sexually transmitted infections in gay and bisexual prostate cancer survivors: Results from the Restore-2 study. Frontiers in Oncology, 12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fonc.2022.832508
*,**Bates A.J., Rosser, B.R.S., Polter, E.J., Talley, K.M.C., Wheldon, C. W., Haggart, R. Wright, M., West, W. Mitteldorf, D., Ross, M.W., Konety, B.R., Kohli, N. (2022). Racial/ethnic differences in health-related quality of life among sexual minority prostate cancer survivors. Frontiers in Oncology, 12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fonc.2022.833197
*,**Simon Rosser, B. R., Wright, M., Hoefer, C. J., Polter, E. J., Kohli, N., Wheldon, C. W., Haggart, R., Talley, K. M., Mitteldorf, D., Kilian, G., Konety, B. R., Ross, M. W., & West, W. (2022). Recruiting an underserved, difficult to reach population into a cancer trial: Strategies from the Restore-2 Rehabilitation Trial for gay and bisexual prostate cancer patients. Clinical Trials, 19(3), 239–250. https://doi.org/10.1177/1740774522107767
Research Summary
My research focuses on identifying risk factors, prevention strategies, and treatments for late-life disability related to geriatric syndromes (i.e., urinary incontinence, frailty, falls, functional decline, and cognitive impairment) in frail older people. My research methods focus on quantitative analysis using longitudinal modeling, secondary dataset analyses, systematic literature reviews, and clinical trials.
- Preventing excess disability and frailty in older adults
- Preventing and managing urinary incontinence in older adults
- Complex interventions for managing geriatric syndromes in older adults