Nursing informatics, innovation empower nurses

May 7, 2024

In the dynamic landscape of health care, the need for nursing innovation and informatics has never been more pressing. As frontline caregivers, nurses are entrusted with the monumental task of delivering safe, effective and patient-centered care amidst an evolving health care ecosystem. Innovation in nursing, coupled with informatics, provides the essential tools and strategies to navigate this complexity seamlessly.

By harnessing technological advancements and data-driven insights, nurses can optimize workflows, enhance clinical decision-making, and elevate the overall quality of care delivery. From electronic health records (EHR) systems that streamline documentation to predictive analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) tools that anticipate patient needs, nursing informatics empowers nurses with the information they need to deliver timely interventions and personalized care.

Nursing innovation fosters creativity and adaptability, enabling nurses to devise novel solutions to complex health care challenges. Ultimately, nursing innovation and informatics are not just a necessity; it's a strategic imperative to ensure that nurses remain at the forefront of health care transformation, driving positive outcomes for patients and communities alike.

Faculty at the Center for Nursing Informatics are leading these efforts as Professor Jenna Marquard, PhD, and Assistant Professor Robin Austin, PhD, DNP, DC, RN-BC, FAMIA, FNAP, along with alum Ian Wolfe, PhD, and Elizabeth Umberfield, PhD, RN, Mayo Clinic, served on a panel for the Midwest Nursing Research Society Emerging Scholars luncheon related to artificial intelligence and nursing, Artificial Nursing? Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Practice and Research: Friend or Foe.

Upcoming conferences and opportunities: 
• The 2024 Nursing Knowledge: Big Data Science Conference will be held June 5-7 in Minneapolis.
• Planting Seeds of Innovation will be held June 4 in Minneapolis.

If you would like more information about these initiatives please contact center faculty at [email protected].