Elaine Darst, PhD, APRN, PMHCNS- BC, RN
PhD, University of Missouri at Kansas City
MA, University of Missouri at Kansas city
Major: Counseling and Guidance
MN, University of Florida
Major: Nursing (Psychiatric)
BSN, University of Kansas
Biographical Summary
Elaine Darst is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota School of Nursing, focused on supporting the BSN and MN programs, with extensive teaching experience in mental health nursing. Her philosophy centers on the strength it takes to seek mental health assistance and capitalizing on individuals' positive personal qualities to support growth. Darst has extensive experience as a clinical nurse specialist and counselor.
Darst's educational background includes a BSN from the University of Kansas, a Master's in Psychiatric Nursing from the University of Florida, a Master's in Counseling and Guidance from the University of Missouri, and a PhD in Counseling Psychology from the University of Missouri.
Her work focuses on veteran-centered care curriculum integration and faculty development through an academic-practice partnership between the Minneapolis VA Health Care System and UMN School of Nursing. Darst is a leader in veteran-centered healthcare education, presenting nationally and internationally on the topic.
In the area of mental health and psychiatry, Darst received second place in 2020 from the International Society of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses for her poster on integrating LGBTQ content into a BSN curriculum. As co-director of the BSN program, she has been instrumental in implementing a veteran-centered curriculum.
Darst's recent research examines topics like the Ambulatory Dedicated Education Unit model as an academic practice partnership example and incorporating veteran-centered exemplars into prelicensure nursing curricula. Her earlier work explored sexuality and nursing care after prostatectomy.
Grants and Patents
Selected Grants
Award: Cultural Immersion Service Learning in Public Health Nur
Principal Investigator: Krichbaum, Kathleen Elaine
Sponsoring Organization: USDE Office of Postsecondary Education
Award Dates: 2008 - 2013
Research Summary
- Veteran-centered care: Curriculum integration and faculty development
- Academic-practice partnership: Minneapolis VA Health Care System and University of Minnesota School of Nursing
- Mental health psychiatric nursing