Yoga for Parkinson's Disease

A nurse assisting an elderly man with stretching his arm

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive, disabling, and costly neurodegenerative condition in which motor and non-motor features are currently not being managed sufficiently. As the population continues to age, the prevalence of Parkinson’s disease is expected to increase.

On average, one American is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease every nine minutes. Although the pathology of Parkinson’s disease is complex, there is increasing evidence of a role of oxidative stress in the disease process.

Exercise programs are often recommended for person with Parkinson’s disease to improve motor functions and to manage non-motor aspects of Parkinson’s disease. Studies suggest that exercise may reduce oxidative stress. Yoga, a popular exercise modality, uses poses, meditation, and breath-control techniques to help improve physical function and psychosocial wellbeing.


The study’s purpose is to assess the effect of yoga on measures of oxidative stress; motor function; and non-motor function in individuals with Parkinson’s disease.

Benefits to Participants

Participating in this research project will allow you to participate in a yoga class free of charge.

Participant Eligibility Requirements

Inclusion criteria:

  • Individuals diagnosed with idiopathic PD;
  • Ages of 45–75;
  • On optimized dopaminergic therapy for 4 weeks prior to enrollment; and
  • Have not practiced any form of yoga regularly (more than 2 days a week) in the past 6 months; and
  • Not currently participating in a supervised exercise program more than 2 days a week

Participants will be randomized into one of the two groups

  1. Intervention group
  2. Waitlist Control Group: Data on oxidative stress level, motor function (gait, balance, strength, and flexibility) and non-motor function (mood, sleep quality and quality of life) will be collected at the beginning and end of the 12 weeks yoga program.