Minnesota Nursing Magazine

Fall-Winter 2021


Community-engaged research is a powerful approach for nurses

Alumni News

As the 14th American Indian nurse to earn a PhD, alum Misty Wilkie says representation matters 


Research seeks to build trust, improve stroke knowledge


International invitational workshop develops blueprint for nursing to take a leadership role in shaping artificial intelligence use in health systems

Also in this issue

Center News, Center for Child and Family Health Promotion Research

New insights on preventing sexual violence

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Center News, Center for Aging Science and Care Innovation

Wyman’s legacy of transforming geriatric nursing education

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From the Dean

Dean Connie White Delaney

Connie White Delaney

Dear Friends, Higher education and researchers are often challenged to demonstrate their impact. The University of Minnesota School of Nursing always includes a focus on why we are doing it and who will benefit for everything we do — from education…

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