In memory

(March 2019) Remembering alumni of the School of Nursing.

March 21, 2019

Margaret Haselton Grundstrom, BSN ’39
Dolly Maas Kawczynski, BSN ’40
Elizabeth Danheim Martinka, BSN ’45
Dorothy Cochran Romson, BSN ’45
Doris Derrington Ingraham, BSN ’46
Mary Jane Weisser Olson, BSN ’46
Phelba Braff, BSN ’47
Lorraine Dahl Jenkins, BSN ’47
Yvonne Norquist Larson, BSN ’47
Sharon Hill Thal, BSN ‘52
Alice Foot Dettwiler, BS’53 Nursing Education
Frances Hillstrom Morningstar, BSN ’54
Mary Fraser Uhl, BSN ’54
Betty Johnson, BSN ’55
Phyllis Halvorson Johnson, BSN ’55
Julia Cable Toperzer, BSN ‘55
Catharine Nyquist Campbell, BSN ’56
Carol Larson Ekelund, BSN ’57
Yvonne (Bonnie) Courteau Vonter, BSN ’58
Ruth Hass, MS ‘59, BSN ‘50
Shirley V Connelly, BS ’60 Nursing Education
Grace Frejlach McDonald, BS ’60 Nursing Education
Elaine Davis, BSN ‘69
Karen Danielson, MS ’72
Joan Stenberg, MS ‘75, BSN ‘54
Darlene Engbarth Wheeler, MS ’79
Norma Jean Deedrick Krantz, MS ’81, BSN ‘78
Marilyn R Mihelcic Hays, MPH ’87, ME ’60, BSN ’53
Arlys Benjamin, MS ’89, BS ’51, BSN ’47
Kathryn Hoehn Anderson, PhD ’93, MS ’91
Christine Cramer Hogan, BSN ’01
Cheri Langmade O’Shields, former DNP student

Jean Kintjen Andrews passed away on Jan. 11. Beginning in 1972, Andrews held various appointments with the School of Nursing and retired in 1990 as an associate professor. She specialized in curriculum evaluation and development, and led an Area Health Education Center (AHEC) project in northwestern Minnesota supporting rural nursing by establishing an academic progression in nursing curriculum that created educational steps for rural nurses to advance in their career. Additionally, she taught the education courses in the Master of Science program.

Categories: Alumni News
