Summer Institute focuses on Cultivating Adolescent Well-Being in the Digital Age

June 12, 2024

adolescent nursing summer institute 2024

The 2024 Summer Institute in Adolescent Health, Cultivating Adolescent Well-Being in the Digital Age, will explore how professionals, parents and caring adults can engage with and promote the healthy use of technology, July 22-24 in St. Paul.

Attendees will identify how childhood experiences with social media affect adolescent brain development and social, behavioral, academic, and health outcomes. They will examine digital literacy, dissect the exploitative nature of influencer culture, and develop skills to empower youth with marginalized identities. They will also gain an understanding of current advocacy efforts at state and national levels aimed at boosting online protections for youth and envision a future where young people’s needs come before advertisers’ and big tech’s profits.

Sponsors include the Center for Adolescent Nursing at the School of Nursing, Healthy Youth Development - Prevention Research Center at the Division of General Pediatrics & Adolescent Health in the Department of Pediatrics at the Medical School, Center for Leadership Education in Maternal & Child Public Health at the School of Public Health, the Child & Adolescent Health Unit at the Minnesota Department of Health, Health Equity Strategy & Innovation Division at the Minnesota Department of Health and the Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health Department.

Categories: Center for Adolescent Nursing


Media Contacts

Steve Rudolph
School of Nursing