Hennepin Healthcare, University of Minnesota form Nursing Collaboratory
December 8, 2023

The University of Minnesota School of Nursing and Hennepin Healthcare Department of Nursing have formed a formal academic-practice partnership, or collaboratory, to generate, disseminate, and apply knowledge for the improvement of nursing practice, education, and patient outcomes.
Nursing collaboratories serve as an incubator for creativity and innovation. They aim to develop new strategies to enhance nursing education and professional development, research, practice, diversity, inclusion and equity, and recruit top talent into nursing.
“Hennepin Healthcare has an incredible connection to our community and we welcome the opportunity to work in full partnership with them and further advance the culturally competent care they provide so many Minnesotans” said Dean Connie White Delaney, PhD, RN, FAAN, FACMI, FNAP. “The collaboratory has the potential to elevate the incredible work Hennepin Health has been doing in our community to the national level.”
According to an American Association of Colleges of Nursing and American Organization for Nursing Leadership task force, academic-practice partnerships such as the collaboratory are “an important mechanism to strengthen nursing practice and help nurses become well positioned to lead change and advance health.”
“This partnership celebrates and supports our outstanding nurses by expanding educational and professional development opportunities,” said Chief Nursing Officer Karen Strauman, DNP, MHA, MPH, NEA-BC,. “Together, we will advance the nursing practice at Hennepin Healthcare, address workforce challenges by creating new career pathways and support innovative approaches to the challenges we face that will benefit our nurses and, in the end, serve our patients and our community.”
Hennepin Healthcare becomes the School of Nursing’s 10th collaboratory joining Allina Health, Children's Minnesota, Essentia Health, Faith Community Nurse Network, Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Health Care System, M Health Fairview, Mayo Clinic, Minnesota Hospital Association and PrairieCare.