Story Archive

Dean Connie White Delaney, PhD, RN, FAAN, FACMI, FNAP, received the HIMSS-ANI Nursing Informatics Leadership Award for her significant leadership contributions to optimize health engagements and care outcomes through information and technology.

Associate Professor Barb McMorris, PhD, and BSN student Shivani Muthya received awards at the 48th annual Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) Conference in Minneapolis.

Clinical Assistant Professor Ryne Wilson, DNP, RN, OCN, was appointed to the Oncology Nursing Society Board of Directors.

The Katharine J. Densford Center for International Nursing Leadership at the University of Minnesota School of Nursing was selected to host a parallel event during the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) Forum.

The University of Minnesota School of Nursing is hosting the rural Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Conference Cannabis and Mental Health Care: Exploring intersections with advanced nursing practice.

The University of Minnesota School of Nursing is cohosting the 48th annual Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) Conference in Minneapolis on Feb. 28-March 2.