All Articles: Research


Researchers are developing a comprehensive pain management program for rural veterans, who have more severe pain than the average person but less access to care


Research conducted as part of the NIH Pathways to Prevention Program helps identify research gaps in key health topics


Michalowski urges nurse educators to harness the potential of generative AI

Mary Whipple

Whipple’s  community-engaged research project is Understanding the Relationship Between Systemic Racism and Sedentary Behavior in Black Older Adults with Type 2 Diabetes.


Whipple named a BIRCWH scholar for research with older adults with type II diabetes

Austin and Umberfield

Seed grant program provides building blocks for larger grants

Robin Austin and Elizabeth Umberfield

The University of Minnesota School of Nursing and Mayo Clinic Department of Nursing are collaborating to award a joint seed grant to support nursing innovation and discovery.

State Fair 2023

In addition to trying the new bacon-wrapped waffle dog, Minnesota State Fairgoers will have the opportunity to advance nursing research by visiting the University of Minnesota Driven to Discover Research Facility (D2D).

Lucy Mkandawire-Valhmu

Mkandawire-Valhmu’s research focuses on those with greatest vulnerability, greatest difficulty accessing health care